Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Getting There

Man, I just have to say that 10 hours of sleep and a nice hot shower does wonders for any sort of stress that you have.
The past two days were just beyond stressful.
I don't know why...
I just felt like everything, and I mean every thing, was on my shoulders.
I let it get to me and I let it explode onto certain people.
It was wrong and I felt really bad about it.
But today was actually a good day.
I talked to Balfor about my class ring.
I kicked some butt in my tennis class.
I got the Roma order in on time!
Smoothie King made over $1,000 today!!
I stayed strong through it all!
Although it was hard not going over to Quizno's and talking to Rodney, but I said what I meant and I meant what I said about stepping back.
We did talk, but it wasn't for very long.
And that's okay.
Taking time to just focus on school is what I need to do.
But hopefully I can work through this and just get back to myself.
Although those 10 hours of sleep seem to be taking me in the right direction :)

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