Thursday, March 24, 2011


Sometimes you have to hold your head high and just walk through fire.
As weird and cliche as it might sound, sometimes it's what you have to do.
You know what... that's what I am doing.
With school and work and everything else, I've got to keep my head high and keep going.
It may get stressful, and I may want to throw in the towel, but hopefully in the end everything will work out and hopefully for the better!
I am trying to be a more positive person.
Not, me myself, but my thoughts.
I think a lot of it is I'm scared he's just going to up and leave me.
I know that's not what I should think, but I really am scared.
I really don't want to do anything to mess things up.
I mean, he is really attractive and let's face it, I'm not so much.
So it's more likely for him to leave me and find someone else than it would be for me to leave him and find someone else.
I can't suffer through another heart break.
Especially not with him...

1 comment:

  1. So you added me on FB and I clicked your blog link and have been reading it and I feel like a total creeper but you need to stop thinking he is too good for you because he is 'cute', from what I've seen you are gorgeous.

    I like your blog btw and hope you don't think I'm a total creeper.
