Monday, March 14, 2011

My Daily Bread

Today has been a rather good day!
Got up and went to work.
Wasn't too busy, but wasn't too slow.
Made about $8 in tips, so not too shabby!
Got a lot of stuff done while I was there, including the reports, both of them :)
Cleaned the store, read a magazine, cleaned some more...
Oh and made smoothies :)
After work I came home, to my clean house, and just chilled out for a little while.
After watching the sun finally come up, after the down pour we got earlier this morning, I decided to go for another run with Dakota.
We went out to Pecan Park and it took about 40 minutes to run about 3 miles.
Which, I mean, isn't to bad but when Dakota stops and smells the grass every 2 minutes it's kinda annoying.
But we made it through, none-the-less, and I had a good time.
When I watched her ears blow in the wind it brought a smile to my face and I felt like a kid again.
She made me forget about everything that was on my mind and just escape to this place where it was just me, Dakota, the wind and the trail.
Hopefully I can do that again tomorrow and see where it takes me :)
After, I went running I came home and dropped little bit off and ran to the store for some lunch/ dinner.
On my way back I decided to go to Blue Lagoon and get a little bit of a tan.
I chose the level 5.
It was relaxing to just lye there and pretend to be on the beach lying next to Rodney.
I know it sounds cheesy and maybe a little stupid but in those 10 minutes I didn't have to think about anything but how I felt when I was next to him.
I didn't have the world around me dragging me in different directions.
I could just lye there, safe, with nothing in my way but the thought of me and him.
With nothing but my thoughts I drifted off.
I woke up, felt good and back home I went.
Back to reality is really what it was...

I turned on Netflx when I got home and found this movie called, "According to Greta."
It stars Hilary Duff as a rebel teen trying to find her way in this world.
She has this list of ways she's thought about dying.
But then she has this other list of things she wants to do before she dies.
All in all it was a good movie.
She discovers herself by finding the things in life that are worth living for.
She falls for this guy, who works with her, and he tells her that she's worth it and all this romantic stuff.
Did I mention the guy is mixed?
I would happen to stumble upon the one movie where the guy seems perfect and is so similar to Rodney.
It was a good movie and looking at the male lead brought a smile to my face.
Took me back to the last time Rodney kissed me.

I know it might be weird for me to find similarities between a character in a movie and Rodney, but it's the little things like that that comfort me.
I'm not worried about him or worried that he's in Padre with about 10 thousand other people.
I know how he feels, whether he has said it or not.
I know I'm worth it.
I know what I mean to him and despite being X-amount of miles away, I know he still feels the same way.
And you know what I am perfectly fine here doing whatever there is to do, but every once in a while it's nice to drift off to a thought of him.

What is it about you?

I don’t know what it is about you
That makes me catch my breathe every time you look at me
The nerves that make me shake
Being near your body gives mine this magnetic pull towards you.
What it is about you?

I’ve been in love. 
I’ve been hurt from it, and I’ve felt like floating on a cloud from it.
I’ve been there. 

I’ve felt crazy feelings before. 
And I’ve had my share of “crushes” – but this, this is no childish crush.
I never fall for anyone like this. 
I’m so guarded. 
Too guarded. 
With SO many expectations because I learned that’s what will protect me.
I don’t know what it is about you

But I can’t find a flaw.
Because even your flaws to others, just make you an even more beautiful person to me. 

You are such a REAL person. 
You have passion in your soul. 
So gentle and so powerful at the same time. 
Your humility is stunning.
You are truly a man in every sense of the word. 
You are exactly the kind of person I want in my life.
Is this what it is about you?

Is that what it is that makes me want to knock down every wall I’ve ever created. 
I’ll risk it all and never think twice.
And God your eyes! 
Nothing is more breath taking than the way you look at me.

 I don’t need to ask if you feel the same because I already know you do. 

Don’t be scared to lose the comfort and go out on this crazy limb with me. 
Maybe we’ll fall flat on our asses,
but the thought of what it very well could be is amazing and I would take that leap with you.

That’s exactly what is is about you…

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