Sunday, March 6, 2011

I hate Strep!

I just have to say that having strep throat absolutely sucks!!
I mean, really sucks.
I saw Rodney today and I don't want to get him sick because he is leaving for Spring Break on Friday but all I wanted to do was touch his hands, or kiss him.
I didn't because I am not that mean.
But that's all I wanted to do was be near him or next to him.
It really sucks to have to restrain yourself.
I know it sounds like I wanted to pounce on him but that's not what I am talking about.
It's hard to have to be apart from someone when they are right next to you.
We went to lunch and I just wanted to hold his hands or go sit next to him but I couldn't cause even though I was nervous about him going to Padre, I want him to have fun and I don't want to be the person to ruin his time down there with his friends.
Hopefully sometime this week I will get to hang out with him.
He said he didn't work tomorrow so MAYBE something will happen.
But we will see. I will be keeping my fingers crossed because I don't want him to leave on Friday without me being able to kiss him good-bye!
That would suck big time!
I mean I would have to go TEN DAYS without seeing him or kissing him!
That's a LONG time!
Well, for someone who has a significant other here in town, it's a long time.
I'm going to do my best to stay confident during Spring Break.
I honestly don't think I have anything to worry about.
I can tell that when he looks in my eyes or smiles at me that I am the only person on his mind.
When he first mentioned going to Padre to me, I was really scared.
But now that I can tell how much he cares about me and that he doesn't want me to go anywhere.
And that makes all the difference in the world.
I could just kiss him...
Well, when this strep passes over you better believe I will!

He has one of the prettiest signatures I've seen. He even signed my name (way better than what I could ever do).

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