Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 1

Today has been a pretty good day :)
I went to class and worked up a wicked serve in tennis!
I mean, watch out for the fire ball that will be hitting the court.
After class, I went to lunch with Sara Curtis and had some sushi and some chicken.
Then I went to Smoothie King to pick up my check...
Which was 21.15 hours SHORT!
You better believe I was on that like white on rice!
I emailed the accountant right away and told her about my check.
Anyways... so while I was at work, Vic, who works next door with Rodney, came over and told me to come outside cause there was a surprise for me.
So I go outside and I got really excited because I thought Rodney hadn't left yet and he saw my car and he wanted to say good-bye.
Should have known better.
Not that Rodney wouldn't do something like that but I had a feeling he had already gone.
Anyways, so the surprise was NOT Rodney... it was an English Bulldog that belonged to Tim, the GM at Quizno's.
As disappointed as I was that Rodney was not there, I was equally excited about the puppy dog.
It was a really cute puppy dog and he really liked me :)
So after playing with the puppy dog, I went to Lufkin with Sara and we got our hair cut.
I got about an inch trimmed off but it was a much needed inch!
My hairdresser, Frances, was very impressed that my hair was so long.
From the last time she had seen me, my hair had grown at least 6 inches!!
I was very happy after my haircut and it looks really awesome!
Sara got about 2 inches trimmed off and her hair looks great!!
Now we are just chilling at the house watching Thomas the Train.
Although I do miss him.
I know it has only been a day but when you really care for someone, 24 hours can feel like a lifetime of waiting.
But Daylight Savings Time comes on Sunday so we have to "spring forward" and hour.
WHICH means I will get to see Rodney 8 hours earlier!
I am going to try my best to focus on something other than Rodney.
I have a soccer game tomorrow and I'll probably go run and workout because I didn't get a chance to this week.
Gotta stay busy!!

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