Saturday, March 12, 2011


Two days have gone by without a word from you.
I know you are safe and having fun.
And that's all that matters. 
I feel as if the nights get longer.
My day is occupied with mindless things such as laundry and cleaning.
I think of you and wonder how you are doing.
"You have nothing to worry about," is what you said to me.
What you whispered in my ear.
This is what keeps playing in my head.
That last hug nearly three days ago still lingers.
I do miss you more than you or anyone could ever know.
I just wonder if you are thinking about me.
I wonder if I ever cross your mind.
Nine more days.
I can do this.
I'll occupy myself with mindless notions to keep my mind from wandering to you.
But eventually I will be reminded of you and my mind and heart will drift toward the memories.
This sounds as if you are gone forever.
Somehow forever is what it feels like.
I hope you know I care.
I hope you know I trust you.
I hope you know I am not giving up on you.
I hope you know I will always be here for you.

I hope you know how much you mean to me.
I hop you are having fun.
And I hope you are somewhere looking up at the stars knowing all of this :)

                   You may not be my first, my last, or my only
                             I've loved before and I may love again.
                      But if I love you now, what else matters?
                                I'm not perfect, you aren't either,
                and the two of us may never be perfect together
        but if I can make you laugh, cause you to think twice,
                 and admit to being human and making mistakes,
                   hold onto me and give me the most you can.
                           I may not be thinking about you
          every second of the day, but I will give you a part of
                       me that I know you can break... my heart.
                  So don't hurt me, don't change me, don't analyze  
                           and don't expect more than I can give.
                             Smile when I make you happy,
                    let me know when I makes you mad,
                        and miss me when I'm not there.

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