Sunday, March 6, 2011

Strep Throat and Bridal Invititations

For the past three, now four, days my voice has been non-existent.
I sound like a man.
At least I feel like I sound like a man.
But since I am now on day FOUR, I guess I'm getting used to it.
So yesterday it was raining and my soccer pictures were canceled and after much deliberation I decided to cancel the game itself because it was cold and rainy and just gross.
A lot of my kids parents didn't want their kids playing in this kind of weather so I used my better judgment and just said I would see them on Tuesday for practice.
And I personally did not need to be standing out in the rain and cold because of the fact I was sick and I was on day three of not having a voice.

  After I came home and chilled out for a little bit, we (Sharon, Yvette and I) went to lunch at Quizno's and then we went to Hobby Lobby to look for the card-stock for Sharon's 
bridal shower invitations. 
We decided to hand-make the.
They have turned out really good looking!

The front of the invites!

Then while making them I felt really weak and tired so I tried taking a nap.
Well that lasted all of 30 minutes because I kept coughing and I just couldn't keep my eyes closed long enough to actually get some shut eye.
So around 5pm I decided to get up and go to the ER.
Well I called my mom and she decided that I should go to the Urgent Doc.
I was in so much pain that I felt like crying.
I didn't but I really felt like I should and that might make the pain go away.
Well we spent about 10 minutes trying to find Urgent Doc on the internet and decided that we were wasting time and so we all piled up in Sharon's car and drove to the clinic.
I thought about waiting until Monday to go to the Health Clinic but I just couldn't endure the pain in my throat and chest anymore.
So I gave in.

Luckily, the clinic didn't close until 6pm and we literally walked in at 5:36pm!
I filled out the paper work and went back and got checked out.
After my blood pressure was taken and my heart rate was taken the male nurse left and the RN came in and checked out the inside of my ears and then told me to say, "AHH".
I said, "AHH", and her first reaction was, "EHH".
That's exactly what I was wanting to hear.
She told me she would save me a strep test and some money and just fill the prescription for strep and fax it over to Wal-Mart so I can get my antibiotics and start taking them.
So there you go... STREP THROAT!

Never had it before and I can only tell you that I never want to go through this again.
But what's funny is the first thing I thought of when she told me I had strep.
My first thought was, "Well, no kissing Rodney any time soon."
When I told him I had strep that was his first reaction too, no kissing until it goes away.

But now I know what was wrong and I am glad I didn't wait until Monday because who knows how bad it could have gotten.
I am also glad I got those antibiotics because I can actually produce some sound!
But I am probably going to cancel the meeting I have today because I don't want to talk for that long and I don't think they would appreciate me breathing on them and gift wrapping some strep throat. I'm just saying.

Well, there you go.
Strep throat and bridal invitations.
It's always something at 334!!

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