Monday, March 7, 2011

Can't help but smile

I just don't want you to leave without me being able to kiss you
cause that's a LONG time

This is very true and you won't, I promise with all my heart
Okay... you know that made you smile too!
Seriously, how do you get much sweeter than this?
My heart, literally, stopped because no one has ever showed me this much compassion before.
He has a way with words, unspoken or not, that can just make you melt.
Maybe it is because he is an artist and has that sensitive side.
Whatever it is when he said this to me, my entire world lit up and I was speechless.
Not a lot can render me speechless, but this did.
I was able to finally get a glimpse of his heart.
He can kiss me a million times, or tell me that I am pretty or sexy until he his blue in the face, but having him say something like that will always mean more than a kiss or a compliment.
Even having him kiss my cheek because I have been sick, meant a lot to me.
I really have no idea how I ever got so lucky to have met and be with someone like Rodney.
I know I've been through a lot and learned a lot from my past, but when I think about the next couple of months I'm not scared.
When I look in his eyes, I see more than my reflection.
I see compassion.
I see a man wanting to be needed.
I see a man willing to be loved.
I see a man worth every second of my time.
He looks in the mirror and sees just another ordinary guy.
I look at him and see so much more than that.
Where ever this journey takes me I am ready.
Ready to open my heart to something new.
Ready to experience a different kind of love.
Ready to show myself I deserve this.
Ready to love again.

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